Saturday, July 25, 2009

523 west 23rd street NYC

I just noticed on google maps that they have a feature which shows a street view of whatever address you enter as a search term.  So if you enter 523 West 23rd Street as a search term, you can click on street view from the result, and see what the neighborhood looks like today.  This is the address of Richard Simpsons civil war era home.  In 1870 the Simpson family relocated to Shrewsbury NJ, to a house located on the tract of land first settled by Samuel Dennis circa 1675.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Here is some random stuff I shot this morning trying out my new second hand camera. The plan is to add some video posts to this blog, once I figure out how it all works.

This is just a test, if this were an an actual post, there would be relevant content instead of just a cute cat and stuff.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Christ Church Shrewsbury video from You Tube

This is a you tube video showing a nice view of the interior of the historic church. Many members of the Dennis family were buried in the graveyard of this church. If you you check the other videos from the same source as this, there are others that show the exterior as well. I will be posting more videos soon, stay tuned.!