Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Anthony Dennis, Loyalist, 1780

Documents relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Vol IV  pp248
  March 6, 1780.

PUBLIC notice is hereby given to all persons who have in their custody or power, any goods or chattels, bonds, bills, mortgages, notes, books of accounts, or other instruments of writing; or who are** indebted to the following fugitives and offenders,** and shall neglect to make immediate discovery thereof to one or more of us the subscribers, Commissioners for the county of Monmouth, may expect to be dealt with as the law in that case hath provided: Robert Morris, ...., Tobias Kiker, Brittain White, John Hampton,** Anthony Dennis, of Shrewsbury,** John Bowne, Peter Stout,  Israel Bedel, of Staten-Island, and Isaac Allen, of Trenton,--Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim, interest, or demands, in or upon the estates of the above persons, to exhibit their respective accounts to any two or more of the Judges of the said county Court, who will attend at Monmouth Court-house on the first Monday in April, and during April term, and on the first Monday in May, to receive and adjust the said accounts.

Anthony Dennis of Shrewsbury listed as "Fugitive and offender". (Loyalist) Was he in New York City at this date ?

1 comment:

heather said...

I am interested in an Anthony Denis of Somerset who had a daughter Fanny Jackson who married John Hathaway 13th of October 1803 Bristol RI. I found this in my Hathaway's of America book. This Anthony Denis was listed as Guradian to Fanny and John's Children 7th Dec 1812 after John Hathaway dies. Children: Minerva and John. John Hathaway's father was a Quaker. I am researching my ancestor John Hathaway born 1806; he would fit into this family very neatly. I want to research this Dennis angle to rule in or out this family in my search. I have lots of circumstantial eveidence for a relationship. I want proof. E-mail me at, or just answer this comment. I am following your blog. Heather