Friday, April 2, 2004

Anthony Dennis surveys the Boundary of NY/NJ 1770

extract from the (NJ Colonial) Proprietor's Minutes vol. B, p. 91.

"At a Council of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey, held at Perth Amboy, Sept. 14th, 1770. "The agents for managing the controversy on the boundary line between this Colony and the Colony of New York, delivered in a report in the following words:

"The agents for managing the controversy of settling the division line, with the colony of New York, Do Report that immediately after the last stated meeting Messrs Stevens, Cuyler and Rutherfurd met the agents of New York and signed the agreement, a copy of which had been laid before the Board with the only alterations respecting the manner of applying for the acts of the Legislature, and inserting the names of Messrs Stevens, Parker and Rutherfurd as the persons who were to attend the running of the line on the part of New Jersey, and Messrs Wickham and De Noyelles on the part of New York.

"That in consequence thereof the 22nd of May last Messrs Stevens and Parker with Anthony Dennis their Surveyor, met Messrs Wickham and De Noyelles with James Clinton their Surveyor at Orangetown, where many of the adjacent inhabitants were assembled and were utterly averse to having the proposed line run, but on the contrary with many threats declared they were determined to prevent it, on which being apprehensive they might be obstructed if they begun on Hudson's River and Mr. De Noyelles declaring if they were he would proceed no further, they all agreed to begin on the Station Mahackamack hoping the people opposing would be better informed on their return. Accordingly they set out but from the badness of the weather did not begin before the 25th in the evening when they set off from the Station aforesaid and proceeded on a course S. 53 deg. 15 min. E. from day to day to the 7th of June when they were stopped a few chains across Saddle River by at least 50 men. They then concluded to set over to the line run and measured last summer by Clinton and Dennis, from Phillips' Mill to Minisink Island, which was done

1 comment:

heather said...

I am looking for information on Anthony Dennis of Somerset whose daughter Fanny Jackson was married to John Hathaway. Could your "Anthony Dennis" be the same man. If so he went to Rhode Island.